


_r.animate( elements, patch, options )

returns a BABYLON.AnimationGroup

_r.animate("camera1", {
    position : { x : 0, y : 0, z : 0 },
    rotation : { x : 0, y : 0, z : 0 },
    fov : 0.1
}, 2); // in seconds

This animate camera1 position, rotation and fov to targetted values, in 2 seconds.


argument description
elements selector or object
patch properties to animate, with target value, using patch syntax
options number (time in seconds) or object (list of options)

Note that when animating instances meshes, BabylonJS set some properties as read-only (e.g.: visibility), which can throw us an error. This can be avoid by using this selector filter:"*:mesh[instances.length==0]").


        material : 
            alpha : 0 
        duration : 2, 
        easing : "easeInSine",
        complete : function() {
            console.log("animation complete");
        loop : true 
name description
duration duration in seconds, default = 0.4
easing string from, default : none
complete function called after animation completed
loop true for a cycle animation, default = false